Lord Mendoza 

About Lord Mendoza 

Lord Mendoza is Provost of Oriel College, Oxford University. He is also the Chair of Historic England and was formerly the government’s Commissioner for Culture at the Department of Digital, Cul­ture, Media and Sport (DCMS). He led two government reviews  — The Men­doza Review of muse­ums in Eng­land and a Strate­gic Review for the Cab­i­net Office cov­er­ing the nation­al muse­ums. He co-chaired Boundless Creativity, a commission investigating the impact of innovation on recovery from Covid in the culture sectors and now chairs the Culture and Heritage Capital initiative for DCMS.

Addi­tion­al gov­ern­ment appoint­ments included being a Com­mis­sion­er of His­toric Eng­land and a mem­ber of the review pan­el look­ing into the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of Eng­lish church­es and cathe­drals. Neil is a direc­tor of Meira GTx, a gene ther­a­py com­pa­ny, list­ed on Nasdaq. Pre­vi­ous­ly, Neil was Chair of The Land­mark Trust, Vice-Chair of Soho The­atre, a trustee of the Shake­speare Schools Fes­ti­val and on the judg­ing pan­el for the Lau­rence Olivi­er Awards for two years. Neil co-found­ed and ran a pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny, For­ward, that was sold to the mar­ket­ing group, WPP.